Inpatient Rehab in Nelsonville, OH

At our inpatient rehab in Nelsonville, we recommend residential inpatient care to nearly every addicted patient. It's a momentous decision when you finally make up your mind to fight your addiction. When you begin to look up rehab centers to approach for treatment, however, you'll find that you have a new decision to make: do you accept treatment on an outpatient basis or do you check in for treatment as a residential patient? There are important scientific reasons why it's the call we make. If you'd like to know more about why inpatient care makes more sense, you should read on. You can also call us to speak to our specialists.

What is Inpatient Rehab Like?

Checking into an inpatient rehab center to have your addiction taken care of, you get to check the stresses of life at the door. Once in the rehab environment, it's made clear to you that your sole responsibility is to take care of yourself and focus on getting better. You don't need anything dividing your attention when you have one of the most difficult challenges to attend to.

Starting at patient evaluation: One of the greatest strengths of the inpatient care approach comes from the personalized treatment plan at its core. The benefits become apparent at admission, the very first stage. It starts with a thorough assessment of your mental and physical health. The information gathered is used to inform every treatment step that is to follow.

If you've been addicted for a number of years, for example, it is likely that the experience has weakened several key internal systems, including the heart, the kidneys and the liver. Considering the stresses inherent in medical detox, careful consideration of your current health can go a long way towards ensuring that treatments and medications are tailored to do no harm. One in two addicts suffer from mental health disorders that complicate their addiction recovery plans. Careful mental health assessment at this stage is essential to a full recovery, as well.

Going on to detoxification: Detoxification is the process by which the brain cleanses itself, and re-learns control of vital systems affected by drugs. With cessation of drug use, the patient can begin to experience very troubling symptoms such as anger, irritability and anxiety, in addition to seizures and cardiac disorders, on his path to normalcy.

Suppressing or preventing these symptoms is an important part of the detoxification process. Not only is it likely to discourage patients from continuing with treatment if these symptoms are allowed full play, they are often dangerous. At our inpatient rehab in Nelsonville, our teams pay close attention to patients to ensure that every withdrawal symptom is controlled at all times. Our experience has shown us that patients do particularly well attaining full, long-term sobriety when they have the least amount of exposure to difficult withdrawal symptoms.

An inpatient rehab center is also an excellent idea for patients dealing with complex requirements. An addict struggling with a mental disorder or a tendency towards violence may be far safer in inpatient drug detox in Nelsonville.

Preventing relapse: Addiction isn't a condition that is amenable to quick treatment. You don't finish the two weeks or so needed for detoxification, and go on home. Detoxification cleanses the brain, but only for a short period of time. The cravings associated with drug use are still a part of you, and are expected to surface repeatedly. It takes intensive psychological treatment in the form of relapse prevention care to help patients fight these urges. Relapse prevention is most important part of rehab treatment, one that requires a great deal of expertise that therapists participating. It takes the full-time access to therapy that inpatient care provides, to truly get better.

Outpatient rehab is not necessarily a bad idea; it's simply meant for a specific set of needs. It works best for those who are well-motivated, have a family to fall back on, and those who do not have the complications of mental disorders to deal with.

Does Inpatient Care Offer Visible Improvements?

Several studies have proven how the intensive treatment programs of inpatient rehab make for better outcomes. Relapse isn't seen as often, and these recovered addicts simply function better in life. This is partly because of our relapse prevention in Nelsonville.

Given the expense involved, inpatient rehab programs generally last no longer than a month. There are studies that have found that longer periods -- a year or longer -- offer patients a better start.

Finding a Competent Inpatient Rehab

The luxury inpatient rehab programs that celebrities frequent are not necessarily the best places to turn to for the most advanced in addiction care. The addiction industry, in general, receives very little regulatory supervision, quality control is often lacking. Self-education is usually the best way to find a center that offers scientific rehab care. There is information available in books, on online forums and with treatment specialists.

If you would like to speak to one of our experts, you are always welcome to call us at our inpatient rehab in Nelsonville. There's a great deal that we can help you learn. Call us now at (877) 804-1531.

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